Welcome, this site is destined to one evaluation university about the matter of english language in where they will be some themes related with the matter as some list of verbs, some times verbal, about the idioms the language and the vocabulary technical informatic.
List of verbs
Regular verb: Is any verb whose conjugation follows the typical pattern, or one of the typical patterns, of the language to which it belongs.
Link 1https://www.englishclub.com/vocabulary/regular-verbs-list.htm
Irregular verb: Perhaps you think that "irregular " means something out of the ordinary, and in common parlance it does, but if you look up irregular in the dictionary, you'll see that the first definition is a little different. "Irregular" describes something that does not adhere to established rules.
Link 2https://www.englishclub.com/vocabulary/irregular-verbs-list.htm
Verbs tenses
Verb tenses are tools that English speakers use to express time in their language.
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A manner of speaking that is natural to native speakers of a language.
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Computer language
It is also called technicality or technical voices are used in scientific and technological language some are widely used but most are of particular use
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